Posts by Carlos Tanner

The Riosbo Construction Project

I received an unusual email in October of 2013.  It was an offer to fund the construction of an ayahuasca research center, provided I would head up the project.  If I refused, then there would be no project.  It might seem like a slam dunk decision.  How could I say no?

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Soul School

One important concept that I have learned in my work with ayahuasca is that people’s souls are not all on the same level.  Similar to children growing up, who are in different grade levels, so, too, are our souls, in fact our current life is like the grade level of our soul.

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Alternatives to Western Medicine

Grangie has visited us on a few occasions, once with his father, and we are always happy to spend time with him.  He’s such an intelligent and compassionate person, and every member of the AF staff has learned a great deal about alternatives to western medicine from him.

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An Icaro from the Maestro

The Shipibo curandero Don Enrique shares an icaro for healing. An icaro is a special song used by curanderos to communicate with ayahuasca and other plant spirits.

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Life on the Moon of Jupiter

From 2004 to 2008 I lived with a curandero named don Juan on the outskirts of Iquitos, Peru. I studied with him and together we set up the Ayahuasca Healing Retreat program and the Ayahuasca Initiation Course.

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Rupert Sheldrake – Banned TED Talk

Shortly after Rupert Sheldrake gave his talk, TED’s ‘Scientific Board’ decided to take the video down from the internet.  Here is Rupert Sheldrake’s response to TED’s decision.

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