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Ayahuasca Foundation Shipibo ayahuasca retreats courses and research in the Amazon rainforest of Peru

Our Address

Psje. San Gabriel K-18
Urb. Santa Sofia
Iquitos, PERU
Peru: (+51) 954-064-553
USA: (+1) 774-287-2380

Ayahuasca Foundation retreat participants share a moment at an ayahuasca vine after a retreat in Peru

Ayahuasca Retreats

The Ayahuasca Foundation’s Healing Ayahuasca Retreats offer an opportunity to change your life’s course and start fresh. You’ll take part in ayahuasca ceremonies guided by a Shipibo healer and experienced assistants. Along with these ceremonies, you’ll also receive various plant-based treatments to cleanse your mind, body, and spirit.

Ayahuasca Retreats

Students of the Ayahuasca Foundation Curandero Initiation Course complete the course in Peru

Ayahuasca Courses

Ayahuasca courses offer authentic training in the Shipibo plant medicine tradition, focusing on sacred plant dietas and the use of ayahuasca in ceremonies. These informative training courses are a condensed version of an ancestral initiation experience, teaching the core principles of the ayahuasca plant medicine tradition in Peru.

Ayahuasca Courses