A group of future psychedelic assisted therapy completes the Ayahuasca Foundation's Therapist ayahuasca retreat and plant dieta in Peru


Therapist Ayahuasca Retreat and Plant Dieta

The 18-day Therapist Retreat is designed specifically for therapists seeking to deepen their understanding of ancestral psychedelic traditions and group ceremony therapy settings. Located deep in the Amazon rainforest, this immersive experience is led by an authentic Shipibo curandero who guides participants through 8 ayahuasca ceremonies and a powerful plant dieta to enhance therapeutic insight, intuition, and personal growth.

Along with the plant dieta and ayahuasca ceremonies, retreat participants receive natural remedies to cleanse and heal the mind, body, and spirit. The Shipibo plant medicine tradition enables active participation in the healing process by resolving negativity, releasing traumas, and addressing the root causes of imbalances. This unique retreat supports the development of therapeutic practices that promote lasting health improvements.

A Valuable Ancestral Tradition Psychedelic Experience

The 18-day therapist ayahuasca retreat provides transformative healing opportunities in group ceremony settings with traditional ayahuasca ceremonies, supported by a range of treatments designed to remove obstacles that hinder natural healing. The Shipibo healing tradition, central to this retreat, focuses on cleansing and balancing the body’s systems to restore harmony.

Ayahuasca ceremonies offer therapists an environment for profound exploration into the resolution of deep-seated traumas. By enhancing awareness through guided lectures, practical workshops, and experiential development, the ceremonies help participants release false beliefs, reconnect with their true nature, and return to states of forgiveness, gratitude, and self-love.

This ayahuasca retreat and sacred plant dieta is ideal for therapists who aspire to incorporate ancestral wisdom into their practice of guiding psychedelic assisted therapy sessions.  It will require courage, commitment, and will power, but our team will be there to support you every step of the way.

Relevant Elements of the Therapist Retreat:

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE – Receive tremendous benefit from having direct experience of a profound healing transformation in the environment of an ancestral psychedelic medicine tradition.

HOLISTIC HEALING PROCESS – Realize deep insights observing and experiencing the supportive components of the plant medicine tradition that enhance and expand the healing potential of the ceremonies.

GROUP CEREMONY SETTING – Gain personal experience participating in ceremonies and sharing circles and learn about the ideologies and methodologies that make the ceremonies so powerful.

MENTORSHIP STRUCTURE – Witness and understand the traditional pathway of apprenticeship and mentorship that ensures the safety and efficacy of the ayahuasca ceremonies and treatment.

REFERENCIAL MEMORIES – Collect valuable memories of personal transformation and participation in an ancestral healing tradition that will serve as references for communication and guidance.

 An ayahuasca retreat participant stands with an ayahuasca vine at the Ayahuasca Foundation's retreat center in Peru

Revive Intuitive Guiding Abilities

The eighteen day therapist ayahuasca retreat and plant dieta is a brief immersion into an ancestral psychedelic healing tradition.  This retreat gives therapists the ability to experience the depths of consciousness in processes of healing and guiding others.

The Plant Dieta is an opportunity to connect to ancient wisdom that will illuminate the guiding path to bringing others and yourself to profound states of health and happiness. When you reconnect with nature, you rediscover your true self.

Plant Dietas

An ayahuasca retreat participant drinks the cup of ayahuasca during an ayahuasca ceremony in Peru

Traditional Shipibo Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Ayahuasca ceremonies have been developed in the Shipibo plant medicine tradition for countless generations. Curanderos invite plant spirits to contribute to the ceremonies in collaboration with the healing intentions of the group. Shipibo ceremonies are a performance in the artform of healing, where the energies of nature dance with the energies of the participants to release blockages and regain balance and harmony.

An ayahuasca retreat participant receives a smoke bath to purify their energetic body in Peru

Plant Medicines and Additional Therapies

During the retreat, participants receive numerous plant treatments to remove obstacles and restore health. The retreat features Shipibo ayahuasca ceremonies in combination with daily plant treatments, and also incorporates practices like yoga, meditation, cacao ceremonies, breathwork, and art and music therapy. Facilitators describe all of the treatments and therapies to participants to ensure the optimal healing experience.

Shipibo curandero don Rono prepares an ayahuasca retreat participant for a treatment

Facilitated by an Ayahuasca Psychiatrist

Interpreting the Shipibo ideologies and methodologies into the language of modern therapeutic models can be challenging. On this retreat, a certified psychiatrist will be working alongside the Ayahuasca Foundation’s team of facilitators to bridge the gaps of understanding the complexities of this ancestral psychedelic healing tradition. Discussions and conversations led by this uniquely qualified facilitator will be a great benefit to participants.

Quiet, Peace, and Harmony in the Amazon Rainforest

The Ayahuasca Foundation’s Riosbo research and retreat center in the Allpahuayo-Mishana national reserve is a sanctuary of positive energy. Surrounded by tens of thousands of acres of pristine jungle with countless plants and animals, participants live in comfortable accommodations completely immersed in the energy and wisdom of the rainforest. Relaxing into the healing rhythm of nature is a powerful medicine that contributes great benefit to the therapies, treatments, and ceremonies.

Riosbo Retreat Center

Cost of the 18 Day Ayahuasca Retreat: $4,650

The $4,650(USD) price includes:

Shipibo curandero don Rono gives a plant bath to an ayahuasca retreat participant at the Ayahuasca Foundation


8 traditional Ayahuasca Ceremonies
Led by an indigenous curandero and the AF assistants

Plant Dieta with either Noya Rao or Bobinsana
Guided eight day dieta to connect with a plant spirit

Personal consultations and discussions with the curandero
Translated by the assistant healers

Remedies to increase circulation and reduce inflammation
Taken three times a day for the duration of the retreat

Sangre de Grado digestive system cleanse
Reset digestive enzymes and enhance nutrient absorption

Vapor Baths with five medicinal plants
Sweat out toxins and replace them with healing medicine

Chiric Sanango nervous system cleanse
Boost the immune system and release emotional blockages

Blood Purification treatment
Remove parasitic organisms and cleanse the blood

Mucura sinus cleanse
cleanse the sinuses and boost immunity against allergies

Smoke Baths
Increase energetic defenses and protection from negativity

Love Baths
For attracting positive energy, good luck, and love

Cacao and Breathwork Ceremony
Unlock deep seated emotions and release negativity

Guided Yoga and Meditation Sessions
Led by the facilitation staff

Additional treatments
Poultices, medicines, massage, or whatever is needed

Receiving Treatment

An ayahuasca retreat participant shares a moment at the retreat center during a retreat at the Ayahuasca Foundation


Pre-program counseling session with AyaHelp.com
Gain insights into how best to prepare for the experience

Preparation and Travel Guide
Helpful advice for traveling and preparing for the retreat

Airport pickup
You’ll be met at the Iquitos airport and brought to the hotel

Accommodations for two nights at a hotel in Iquitos
The nights before and after the retreat – hotel has wi-fi

Accommodations for 17 nights at the Riosbo Center
Private rooms with en suite bathrooms and electricity

Transportation to and from the Retreat Center
Air conditioned bus (1hr) and an amazing boat ride (1hr)

At least two meals a day, following a healing diet
Fruit, vegetables, quinoa, lentils, grilled fish, eggs, etc.

Lectures on the dieta led by the Shipibo healer
Lessons offered to enhance the dieta experience

Translation of entire program when needed
Assistants also add their own experiences and teachings

Access to the Assistants for help and guidance
Five assistants will be available throughout the retreat

Discussions on Adaptations to Psychedelic Therapy
Conversations and recommendations from our staff

USB of retreat photos and ceremony recordings
Audio recordings of ceremonies and digital photos

Integration counseling session with AyaHelp.com
Enhance the process of integration when you get home

Integration resources to continue the healing process
Finding the optimal path forward in your transformation

The Retreat Center

A room at the Riosbo ayahuasca retreat center in Peru


If you are traveling with a friend, family member, or partner, you can each save $450 by sharing a room.  Rooms contain two beds, fan, desk, closet, meditation suite, and complete bathroom. To receive the discount, simply state on your registration forms that you’ll be sharing a room and provide the name of the other person. The discount will be applied to the remainder due after the deposit.

18 Day Therapist Ayahuasca Retreat and Plant Dieta Schedule

Please click Register Now or Join the Waiting list for the program you wish to attend.
DatesAvailable SpotsRegister
October 12 - 29, 2025 1

Allpahuayo-Mishana National Reserve

Iquitos, Peru

An Example Itinerary for the Therapist Retreat:

Schedule of Treatments and Activities

Day 0 - Saturday

Regardless of what day or time you arrive, you will be met at the Iquitos airport and accompanied to the hotel where all the participants stay the night before the retreat. In the afternoon, attend a meeting to get to know the other participants and discuss the retreat itinerary and details.  

Day 1 - Sunday

Take an air-conditioned bus for one hour to the village of Nina Rumi along the Nanay river. Travel by boat for one hour into the National Reserve. Arrive at the retreat center, get settled, have lunch, and attend a meeting to discuss the upcoming ayahuasca ceremony.

Day 2 - Monday

Wake up early to take Sangre de Grado, a purgative that cleanses the digestive system. Have a private consultation with the curandero, translated by the facilitators to discuss a personalized treatment plan. Begin taking three key plant remedies to increase circulation, decrease inflammation, and boost your immune system.

Day 3 - Tuesday

Morning yoga sessions will take place every other morning. Begin personalized plant treatments and continue plant remedies Continue vapor baths to release physical and emotional toxins. Attend a workshop on mapacho and agua florida. Guided meditation in the evening before the ceremony.

Day 4 - Wednesday

Plant remedies continue.  Vapor baths continue. Attend a sharing circle to discuss ceremony and experiences to make further progress in healing. Take the powerful plant medicine Chiric Sanango to cleanse the nervous system. Individual treatments continue, if needed, in the afternoon.

Day 5 - Thursday

Morning yoga session. Plant remedies and vapor baths continue.  Personal treatments continue, if needed. Use an inhalant called Mucura to cleanse the sinus system. Take a guided plant walk around the property to learn about various plants and their uses. Guided meditation before the ceremony.

Day 6 - Friday

Take the powerful plant medicine Ojé to cleanse the lower intenstine and purify the blood. Receive your last vapor bath. Attend a workshop on icaros, the Shipibo healing songs used in ceremonies, begin learning a Shipibo icaro and discuss healing prayers.

Day 7 - Saturday

Plant remedies continue. Lecture on plant dietas and preparation. Create pledge statements for your dieta process. Cacao and Breathwork Ceremony. Practice the icaro learned in the previous workshop. Rest and relax into a harmonious state for the dieta.

Day 8 - Sunday

Morning yoga session. Begin the dieta process in the afternoon with the drinking of the first dose of the dieta plant extraction. The dieta will be formally opened in the ceremony in the evening. Guided meditation prior to the ceremony.

Day 9 - Monday

Fast for the next two days. Inward attention to connect with the plant spirit of the dieta. Take another dose of the plant extract in the morning and again in the evening. Noble silence is observed to enhance one’s inner awareness.

Day 10 - Tuesday

The dieta fast continues in silence. Take the final doses of the plant dieta extract. Concentration on the connection to the dieta and plant spirit. Quiet contemplation and focused awareness. Guided meditation prior to the ceremony.

Day 11 - Wednesday

The fasting ends, and a more strict diet than before begins. Sharing circle. Receive a plant bath for protection in the afternoon. The dieta continues in deeper contemplation. Attend an art workshop to expand creativity and expression. Practice the icaro.

Day 12 - Thursday

Morning yoga session. Plant baths for protection continue. Attend another icaro workshop and discuss techniques for staying connected to nature and the plants. Guided meditation prior to the ceremony.

Day 13 - Friday

Plant baths continue. Sharing circle. Attend a breathwork session to further release deep seated traumas and gain insights into the path forward in your personal healing process. Final icaro workshop.

Day 14 - Saturday

Morning yoga session. Receive another plant bath in the afternoon. Prepare to open the ceremony as a group singing the icaro that you’ve learned. Guided meditation prior to the ceremony.

Day 15 - Sunday

Sharing circle. Take a hike into the jungle and learn about wild medicinal plants from your guide.. Receive another plant bath. Attend an important workshop on dieta integration and deepening connection to the plants.

Day 16 - Monday

Morning yoga session. Receive a special plant bath called a Love Bath to attract positive energies. Attend a second workshop on integration and preparation for your return home. Evening meditation. Close the dieta in ceremony and receive an arkana of protection.

Day 17 - Tuesday

Breathwork ceremony to expand into the healing. Final sharing circle. Receive love baths and spend time relaxing and enjoying your final day in the jungle. Take pictures with the maestro and each other and begin preparations to leave. Take a group swim or float down the river together. Fireside sing along that night.

Day 18 - Wednesday

Final breakfast. Say goodbye to the Mishana community and board the boat to head back to Iquitos. Check back into the hotel at around 2pm – take showers, check emails, etc. Do some shopping for gifts and enjoy some free time in town.

Day 19 - Thursday

Meet with the group at 9am for breakfast at the hotel. Receive your USB with the pictures taken during the retreat, the audio recordings of the ceremonies you attended, and other helpful materials. After breakfast, say goodbyes and prepare for your next journey…

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